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Handloom & Handicraft in Manipur



Handloom industry is the largest cottage industry in the state. It is a traditional cottage industry providing avenues of employment opportunities to the people of Manipur. Basically, it is a labour-intensive family occupation in which all the members of a family can participate. Majority of the handloom weavers in the state are self-employed artisans who are carrying on their profession in their own homes with the assistance of their family members in pre-loom and post loom process. Manipur ranks the fourth position in terms of the number of looms in the country. It has more than 2.8 lakhs looms comprising of fly shuttle, throw shuttle and loin-looms with a weaver population of more than 4.62 lakhs which is 2nd position among the states according to National Handloom Census, 1995-96.


In artistic weaving also there are many accountable designs which are still famous like Ningthou Phee, Lamthang Khulak, Khamen-Chatpa, Shamilanmi, Moirangphee, Lashing Phee, Leiroom, Hijam-mayek, Tindongbi, Leirong, Akoibi designs etc. Each design has its own history as to how and by whom they were invented. In the art of design and printing, Manipur can be proud of possessing good knowledge of dyeing of fast colour on various kinds of hard printing of cloths since time immemorial by using indigenous plant leaves etc. As Manipur has adequate potential for development of handloom industry various welfare as well as handloom development scheme for promotion and development of the industry including employment generating programme are taken up. Most of the scheme supporting the weavers is Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS). For the provision of welfare measures and better working conditions to handloom weavers, a package of group insurance scheme, health package scheme, work shed cum-housing scheme, project package scheme, integrated handloom village development project etc. are being implemented in the handloom sector.


Out of the total annual plan of Rs. 1663.00 lakh for 2015-16, Rs. 1,418.37 lakh was been utilized for providing supports to handloom cluster projects under Integrated Handloom Development Scheme (IHDS), Comprehension Handloom Development Scheme (CHDS), North Eastern Region Textile Promotion Scheme (NERTPS) and National Handloom Development Programme (NHDP).


Project Package Scheme:


The project package scheme, being implemented since 1992-93, is one of the major schemes to provide the requisite support to weavers in an integrated and co-ordinated manner. The scheme envisages formulation and implementation of specific need base projects for development by a particular handloom product or development of a particular area of weavers.


Integrated Handloom Village Development project:


Integrated Handloom Village Development project (IHVDP) aims at providing a comprehensive support in all areas covering all types of facilities in terms of skilled  upgradation, productivity infrastructure and to give fillip to the motivation level. Construction of common facility centre, work shed, supply of looms, imparting training programme and providing of infrastructure are the main components of the scheme.


Deen Dayal Hathkargha Protsahan Yojana:


Deen Dayal Hathkargha Protsahan (DDHP) Yojana was a scheme introduced for women belonging to the SC/ST/OBC as a promotional scheme of handloom sector. It is a centrally sponsored scheme which has come into force with effect from 01.04.2000. Product development, production support, institutional support, imparting training programme, providing of infrastructure, marketing support etc. both at macro & micro level in an integrated and co-ordinated manner for an overall development of the handloom sector are the main components of the scheme. The pattern of assistance between the central and the state is 90:10 unless specified for the component.





Handicrafts is another important industry in the state. It has its own unique identity amongst the various crafts of the country. Handicrafts industry of Manipur may be mentioned with special accounts for contributing to the economic structure and development of the state. The handicrafts of Manipur are treated in high class in themselves, drawing the main theme and subject matter from episode of Khamba Thoibi and latter Radha Krishna background of their religions belief and designs depiction of Pakhangba. With simple processes of indigenous nature, craftsman here produce handicrafts of excellence in the form of cloths embroidery, cane and bamboo, ivory, stone and wood carving, metal crafts, deer horn decoratives and supari, walking sticks, dolls and toys etc. Various kouna products, artistic weaving, wood carving etc. have a distinct place of its own.


The State Government has made full efforts for overall development of handloom and handicrafts industries in the state. Manipur Handloom & Handicrafts Development Corporation and Manipur Development Society are the two agencies of the state government taking utmost efforts for production and marketing of handloom and handicrafts products. Manipur State Handloom Weavers Co-operative Society is apex co-operative society taking pivotal role in the co-operative sector for development of handloom & handicrafts in the state. There is also departmental raw-materials bank to meet the requirement of various types and quality of yarn of weavers at reasonable price. The Mechanised Dye House now run under the Deptt. is also making full efforts to make available quality dyed yarn for the weavers of the State. Although there are various schemes for the growth and development of handloom and handicrafts in the state, only following few could be implemented during 2015-16.


(a) State Award to Master Craftsman (40 persons are awarded)

(b) Modernisation of handicrafts (20 outstanding handicrafts artisan are awarded with a sum of Rs. 20,000/- each for modernization of their units)


Considering the significance of the role of handloom and handicrafts in India in terms of employment and income generation in addition to the aesthetic value of the products, the 6th Economic Census conducted all over India covered this sector for the first time. According to the census, there are 57,004 handloom/handicrafts establishments ( Rural-38,179 and Urban-18,825) in Manipur with an employment of 75,121 persons (Rural-49,354 and Urban-25,767).


Percentage distribution of Handicrafts & Handloom in Manipur, 2013:

District/ State














Imphal West


Imphal East








Source: Economic Survey Manipur 2016-17