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Tourism of Nagaland

Nature could not have been kinder to Nagaland, some times referred to as the ‘Switzerland of the East’. The exquisitely picturesque landscape, the Nature could not have been kinder to Nagaland, some times referred to as the ‘Switzerland of the East’. The exquisitely picturesque landscape, the vibrantly colourful sunrise and sunset, lush and verdant flare, this is a land that represents aberrant beauty, moulded perfectly for a breath-taking experience.


Blessed with salubrious climate throughout the year, it provides the right ambience for a quiet get away from the hustle and bustle of city life.


Life here is one long festival. Apart from the rich, incomparable traditional and cultural heritage that is exclusive, Nagaland offers you a rejuvenating bonus of the cool refreshing mountain air, and the dreamless sleep amidst the roaring sound of silence.



Life Style: colours and moods:


People: Belonging to the Indo-Mongoloid stock, their ancestors lived off nature’s abundant gifts, blessed with sturdy formidable dispositions. Above all, the Nagas have a reputation for a warm-hearted hospitality, By nature, they are lovers of fun and frolic.


The different Naga groups vary considerably in physique and appearance; the Angamis being tall with regular feature and Semas shorter with more strongly pronounced Mongolian features. Most are a beautiful light brown - the typical Kirata ‘gold’, but differing in shade from tribe to tribe; a light colour is generally admired. There is wavy hair and straight hair and even the Negrito frizzled hair.



Art and Craft/Dress and Design:


The traditional ceremonial attire of each tribe is in itself, an awe inspiring sight to behold; the multi coloured ‘spears’ and 'daos' decorated with dyed goats’ hair, the headgear made of finely woven bamboo interlaced with orchid stems, adorned with boar’s teeth and hornbill’s feathers, elephant tusk armlets etc.


They adorn colourful and intricately designed costumes, jewelry and beads. The present generation has ventured into fashion designing in a big way; reproducing fabrics that represent the ancestral motifs blended with modern appeal.