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Air Transport

At present the only air services in the state are a four-seater helicopter service form Gangtok to Bagdogra, but this caters to an almost insignificant proportion of transport activity. The closest air-link with the state is through Bagdogra airport, which is around four hours by car from Gangtok. Helicopter links exist between Bagdogra and Gangtok, but the fare is prohibitive, and the number of seats limited. From the long-term development perspective, to establish better links with the rest of the country, a good airport and efficient air services have become imperative for the state.

The central government has sanctioned an airport for Sikkim, and the state government signed a memorandum of understanding with the Airport Authority of India (AAI ) for construction at Pakyong. Despite its approval over three years back the proposed Greenfield airport has still not taken off. The 12th Finance Commission had given the  State a sum of Rs.100 to this effect. However, the fund requirement has been assessed by Airport Authority of India (AAI) at about Rs.340 crores. Land has been acquired for construction of the airport and the Forest Department has begun the Environment Impact Assessment. The DPR has already been prepared. The Planning Commission has assured that the funding for the balance amount of Rs.240 crores would soon be finalized in consultation with Ministry of Civil Aviation. This is likely to be on the basis of 50 % by AAI and 50 % from Gross budgetary support. Given the critical importance of airfield and the rising construction cost an expeditious decision has to be and funding will have to be made outside the framework of plan resources.

This airport project is likely to bring substantive changes in the tourism arrival both from within and outside the country. The demand for full-fledged cargo and freight handling centre in the region is going to be more conspicuous in the very first few years of Nathu la trade route reopening. These facilities could be either developed in Bagdogra airport or somewhere in the vicinity so that users can easily access the same. There are some thinking going on in this direction.

Source: Economic Survey of Sikkim 2006-07